Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way”, said Lev Tolstoy in “Anna Karenina”. If it is right, there must be some common basis that will help two close people to create a happy and harmonious family.
So what should you think about at the way to your future marriage with Ukrainian lady? What is important to discuss with your future spouse? What things should you pay attention to?

First of all, compare your
family values. It is the main basis of happy life together. These values define your behavior in different situations of your future life and can influence to your actions in your future family. Such qualities as mutual respect and support, kindness and assistance, sharing of household, practice of daily routines and fun are gained in the family. Religion and traditions of education, family history can help to form such things.

So the more close are your views to the family and its values, to the religion, family relations, traditions of education, — the more likely is that you can create a harmonious couple. Take into account that family values can also be formed in negative way, like meaningless competition, mutual blame etc., try to avoid such things in your couple.

Discuss with your beloved some
rules and norms of your future family. How will you cooperate with the other members of your family – your parents, siblings and cousins of yours and your spouse, your children? What will be permitted in these relations? What behavior and communicative norms are allowed? And what would be better to prohibit in such rules? Note the norms of your two families and make use of the best of them.
In the end talk about your
family customs and traditions. These are your special activities that help you to unite your family members and make your family close and amicable. What holidays do you usually celebrate with the whole family? What holidays would you like to celebrate with your friends? What days will be devoted only to yourselves? How would you like to spend such a day? What arrangements should you do before?
So how to create a happy family with one of our Ukrainian beauties from Step2Love? Discuss such things as family values, rules and norms, customs and traditions with your special lady and find your own way to your harmonious wedlock!
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